333 Miles – History Route

History Route
333 miles - History Route333 miles – History Route – 9 hrs – Includes DHs 23, 26, 45 & 24 (partial)

From Dale Larson, creator of this route;
Ordered clockwise for needed time management, the loop runs through impressive Northwest geography and history. Doubly shaped by the Spokane and Columbia Rivers, it heads west by historic Spokane House and Fort Spokane to Grand Coulee Dam and returns on three  DHs in the Okanogan. For those planning longer visits, U.S. 2 offers a shorter, straighter return.

Along the ride

Spokane House
Spokane House

Fort SpokaneFort Spokane

Grand Coulee Dam

Crown Point Lookout

Chief Joseph's GravesiteChief Joseph’s Gravesite