Helpful documents for single and group riding
- ‘The Pace’ and ‘Pace Yourself‘ by Nick Ienatsch are both good reads on riding techniques for single and group riding.
- QUICK TIPS: MSF’s Guide to Group Riding
- 8 Rules for Group Motorcycle Riding by esurance
- CRASH How to Prepare Yourself for the Worst
- Motorcyclist ‘Just go Ride!‘
The 5 Passes Challenge
WeSTOC 26 will feature, for those interested, a challenge. Ride a sampling of our Eastern Sierra alps to their summits, and receive a commemorative pin. Sound fun? Then download the two files below, read the pdf file (and print it or download it to your device, then download the GPX file for your gps device.
- 5 passes challenge Instructions
- 5_Pass_Challenge gpx file
The Rides
Download the rides in gpx, gdb and kml formats: